          2011/08/19 康熙來了 我的兄弟曾經快要紅過 Part 3 At 06:16/15:01"陳志.How" (He indeed is the son of Jim Carrey/Bill Clinton/ Michael Wu/ 陳志? and Hillary Clinton/Ida Shaw [Chinese name voiced as "Pong.潤.Wheel"] 術後面膜 /Sherry Wu/陳粹蘭/周南眉. Why their son "陳志.How" looked more mankind and really taller than 陳志?? Because the time when he had sex with that Chinese faced 陳粹蘭/周南眉, he reall 室內設計y looked up and admired her [Like the film "Braveheart" that Mel Gibson <Mel Gibson is another form of 陳志?/ 周潤發/Jim Carrey/Brad Pitt/George Clooney/Bill Clinton/Pete Samprass> played role to ha 關鍵字行銷ve sex <When man has sex with a woman with his best will, it is always "Young.Sheng.Inn.衰" "Shit.Boot.Sheng.Zheng" most likely to get better natural sense birth. When woman has better will than that man, the birth of "S 辦公室出租hit.Boot.Sheng.Zheng" is more likely invisible, must have to rely on time to tell.> with that King's daughter in law showed] ; and after he tasted that distasteful sex, he already lost his good will to look up her and lost his supposed big gu 情趣用品ts to say no to her because she is older than him. That how 陳志?/周潤發 showed worse and worse, not ever recovered his guts and good will acting back after played that "上海灘" "Xu.Wen.?" role ) , you can do better than 陳志?, because you are more serious than 陳志 酒店兼職?, and you are taller than 陳志?; keep in mind, you want to be good in any field, seriousness is a must needed attitute. Even Comedy must have to rely on seriousness to beat his competitors (That Chinese said "Swall.Jer.5.Ill. Tin.Jer.Yo.Sin".) . Comedia does not know how to be serious, 房屋買賣can only dragon down that entire field like that Jim Carrey committed in USA. Acting is an art, no way to be better through training or learning, therefore, it is a good idea not to watch anyone else acting if you want to be an actor, you have to enjoy "5.聊" in order to be a good actor; the only thing you need 土地買賣 to learn is how to speak that language perfectly; in the film of Chinese, you need to do your best to speak mandarin perfectly; in the film of English, you need to do your best to speak English beautifully.As regard the attitute of Model, Model must walk or show up like "Sin.10.走.Role" like "John.10" no emotion no personal feeling 信用卡代償; your "John.Inn" attitute is right, 陳志? so called "自然" is a lie that Model must not be allowed to have any thing to do with that lie. Because "自然" must be born, no way to rely on training and/or discipline to show up on stage.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 酒店工作  .

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